
Graduation Plans Revealed in Letter By University Hall

Candidates Will Wear Both Caps, Gowns and Dark Suits

All candidates for June degrees have been notified of Class Day Week details in a letter issued from University Hall yesterday. Correcting a previous announcement, the circular letter stated that caps and gowns as well as dark suits will be required for the ceremonies.

Students in the Army and Navy Training Schools and the Radcliffe WAVES Supply School will participate in the rites as they receive token certificates for their study. Representatives of the different service schools will receive the awards from their commanding officers, among whom are Rear-Admiral Robert A. Theobald, Commander of the First Naval District, and Major-General Sherman Miles, Commandant of the First Service Command.

An innovation in the historic exercises will see representatives of the graduating class receive their sheepskins. In previous ceremonies the candidates were graduated en masse by announcement.

The Week's festivities will begin at 11 o'clock Wednesday morning, May 26, with the Phi Beta Kappa exercises in Fogg Museum's Large Lecture Hall. Class Day Exercises, including the tradition-reeking Class Oration, Poem and Ode in the House Triangle in the afternoon. The Senior Spread will take place in Lowell House Wednesday evening, preceded by a buffet supper in Kirkland House.

Thursday will be given over to the Commencement proper, with the Baccalaureate Services at 11 o'clock in Memorial Church, and the awarding of degrees by the President and Fellows at 2. The procession of candidates will begin at 1:15 o'clock.
