"Washa know, Joe? Ain't sheen you yearsh. Howzsh yer ulcer? Have a drink." The foregoing bit of tipsy doodle is an awfully good facsimile of typical convesation between two Old Blue Grads, when a quarter of a century has passed and the first graduating class of the Yale University School of Alcohol Studies convenes, with glasses raised on sly, for a reunion.
The New York Times, not known to be under the influence of stimulants, announced the latest sober step forward in Eli Elucidation thus: "Special Yale School to Study Alcoholism; Purpose Is to Train Community Leaders." If, when in New Haven sometime in the Post-War World, you are unable to locate the local pub, just appeal for some community leadership.
Right at Home
Those who are proficient at putting two and two together will say that there is something Significant about the "first formal school in the history of the United States to study the consequences of alcohol" having its home in the Bulldogs' back-yard.
Two (the beloved Yalie) and two ("dealing with the maladjustments of the habitual inebriate") make four.
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