

Busy School Investigates Post-War Industrial Needs

Although the teaching facilities of the Business School have been given over completely to the instruction of service personnel and to the War Production Training Course for the duration, much of the school's research activities will be directed to a study of post-war industrial problems, it was announced on Saturday.

With two members of the senior faculty, J. Franklin Ebersole, Converse Professor of Banking and Finance, and Charles C. Abbott, associate professor of Business Economics, already assigned to the task, investigation has begun on the adoption of methods to insure steady employment during the reconversion and demobilization periods.

Banks, Corporations Studied

Professor Ebersole is to consider the part which banks will take in aiding the return to peace-time industrial normalcy, while Professor Abbott investigates the needs, preparations, and financial capabilities of the corporations involved.

Since all financial aspects are closely related to governmental policies, intensive first-hand studies will be made of taxation, the disposal of federally owned commodities and equipment, and the re-negotiation or termination of present Washington contracts.
