
Flotsam and Jetsam

Navy Indoctrination and Communications School

Some glowing reports are coming back from the men who went out to Wellesley College last Sunday and it should be pretty hard from now on to get on the go list. The trip included a dinner, a beautiful chick for an escort, 400 acres of beautiful, wooded, rolling country, a beautiful chick, a swim in the newest of pools that is equipped with an underwater observation post so that the femmes may be observed, dancing, a beautiful chick, sandwiches and more chicks . . . Nice place, eh?

Yes, Carmen Cavallero came to Harvard on a nice hot evening bringing even a hotter band and, judging from the subscriptioned applause, the men enjoyed the affair quite a bit. We may, however, forget Carmen but who will forget the sultry, over-filled theatre, the cast drinking cool cokes and us just sitting there looking at those huge red coke dispensers and sweltering? I think that somebody forget to pass the ammunition.

LOST, STRAYED or STOLEN: One slightly compromised confidential mailgram containing a message to Garcia . . . Will the finder please return to Mr. Carscaden for a nice shiny 4.0?

While the building of that nice, shiny, green outhouse in the center of the Yard it sure looks as though there is going to be an urgent need for some mighty thin Platoon Leaders to get inside to give out orders over the new P. A. System or is it just a Snuff Box?

Heard in the Yard: "Why don't we call the platoon leaders Hep Cats? . . . The latest on the wearing of Gray Uniforms is that there will not be any ready on the market until early Fall when we will be going back into blues. Then they will not be compulsory until 1944. So why worry?


Cliff O. Johnson of the Flustering Fourth Platoon is now the proud poppa of a baby girl born on May 9th. So now we can smoke again . . . George Kalionzes's wife wrote to him at last so he promises to not grow a beard to match that moustache and he will not become a hermit . . . The Navy is going to fix up Bernard Bob with a special set of flags to work right form his seat in Code so he won't have to go up to the rostrum between classes . . . The Navy Wives again urge the Lads to trip the light fantastic a la juke box on Monday nights at Phillips Brooks between 9 and 10 . . . Tickets for the Regimental Ball on the 26th will be limited to 500 so get yours as soon as they go on sale.

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