If this column ever again predicts faculty policy with regard to grades, don't believe it. Not because it's wrong when written, but it probably will have been changed at least three times before we go to press.
All we can say now is that at an early date you will know in which quartile of-the class you stand in each course. Unless you hear from the faculty Scholarship Committee, your work is not unsatisfactory. But I wouldn't believe those last two sentences if I were you.
While expecting a bigger, more important scoop within a week or two, here's a little scoop to keep ya happy. In 20 days (from March 10 to 31) the ship's service store made a net profit of about $450.
Total sales were $2900, cost of sales $2450. To reduce the period profit to the required 15 percent, cigarettes have been reduced to $1.25 a carton. In case you're interested the store's balance sheet tips the scales at $3374. Forty percent of profits will be placed in the Supply School welfare Fund, 30 percent in Capital Reserve, and 30 percent in Net Worth.
Conant to Speak.
The next big date on the calendar is this coming Monday, April 12. President James B. Conant of Harvard will address the members of the Supply Corps School at potter Auditorium (formerly Carey Field House ) at 1700. Attendance will not be compulsory, but a special invitation has been extended to all Midshipmen who wish to hear President Conant.
Another item which Bob Henderson promises to tell us all about next week is the new athletic program. We know that "everyone will play softball" and drill once a week. And it 'pears as though we'll have an eight-car crew if enough men are interested. Incidentally, the Army is about to "dispense with" some thirty odd horses, residents of Soldiers Field Stables. We had hoped to get some free rides now and then, but in view of circumstances, all we can hope now is that the Army deals kindly with our equine friends.
Summer Togs
Here's a note about summer uniforms. Unless the weatherman says otherwise, summer duds will be the fashion (under-statement) beginning May 1. If you haven't completed ordering, the Coop has same cheaper trousers ($3.50) for work uniform "extras". One hundred fifty dollar uniform allowance will be granted June 1st, $100 more upon application and presentation of purchase evidence.
Refusing to heed Commander Collins' advice to un-single men, "Red" Schutte is horning in on our very own territory. Fifty men in the second swimming group can testify that a certain red-headed JCC (Junior Cadence Caller) refers to him constantly as her "Superman". We recommend leniency in this case, however, Dote, the redhead is not quite five.
To judge by precedence, lectures on salesmen's compensation and foreign resources data will follow soon after reports on those subjects have been handed in. But, il n'importe, mates, Commander Collins saw a pile of blubooks sprawled on a stairway in Baker last week, which is a positive indication of the grading system used at Harvard.
I suppose we all noticed the Baker blackboard which said. "Mr. Hemingway please see Mrs. Fitzhugh after class," which reminds us of Professor Ebersole's favorite remark. "What did you do today that you didn't do yesterday? . . . Well, do it again."
Wine and Women
Could it was that Midshipmen have begun investing in steady dates? Why else the lack of enthusiasm for the Pine Manor shindig tomorrow night? It's worth it just for the ride in one o' them there gas buggies, almost. Unleas you can show us someone like Oakesey's Barbara B. or Slater's Gloria N., we say c'mon along and take a chance on your good looks.
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