
Business School Will Hear Conant Speak

Harvard's President Speaks on Business

President James Bryant Conant will deliver an address on Monday afternoon to all Midshipmen, Quartermasters and civilians stationed at the Business School. The speech, presented under the auspices of the HBST speakers' committee, will be on the subject "Business and Science."

A total of 700 have been invited to hear the address, which will be delivered in the Potter Auditorium at 5 o'clock, Attendance, of course, is not required, but all those invited are urged to take advantage of this opportunity.

Last Monday, members of the other Service Schools had an opportunity to hear Harvard's president, who spoke on "Science and Society in the Post-War World." The speech, a repetition of one given earlier in New York, tended primarily for members of two scholastic honorary societies, but was open to the public. It had won national acclaim.

Next week's speech will be the first one the President has delivered at the Business School in several years. It is the third in the series now being presented by the HBSA, the previous ones being delivered by Beardsley Ruml on his "pay-as-you-go plan, and Maurice J. Tobin, Mayor of Boston.

Conant has been president of Harvard since 1933. Before that time; he was a professor of chemistry and chairman of that department, and since 1913 has been connected with the University. He now spends much of his time in Washington, working as chairman of the National Defense Commission. Recently, he served on the Baruch Committee in the investigation of the rubber situation.


No further details have as yet been announced as to what Conant will include in his announced topic. Last week, however, he stressed the importance of science and a scientific education after the war.
