

Three Coaches Mold Squad Of Rookies; Few Veterans

Braving the wintry blasts which swept across Soldiers Field, 27 gridiron aspirants were on hand yesterday afternoon in the second day of the Crimson's spring football practice.

The number in attendance was smaller than the 36 men who showed up for the opening session on Monday afternoon, but Coach Henry Lamar, line coach who is in charge, expects about 40 candidates out regularly.

Forte Helps Coach

Earl Brown, end coach, and Floyd Stahl, who hurries over from the baseball field to handle the backs, aid in the coaching, as does Don Forte, ex-grid captain. Practice this week will be restricted to individual blocking and punting, with heavy accent on calisthenics.

Several veterans were on hand on Monday, but they were conspicuous by their absence yesterday. Of last year's first string, Russ Standard, George Hubbard, Wayne Johnson, and Bill Wilson have reported, although Wilson and Johnson were not present yesterday. Other holdover include Tom Cowen, Paul Perkins, Dana Dudley, Paul Garrity, and George O'Day.


Dudley, O'Day Shine

Yesterday's session featured blocking and punting. In the latter department Dudley and O'Day were outstanding. The majority of the turnout is composed of green Freshmen and Sophomores.

Round-robin, intra-squad games will come in two more weeks, while next week should see the first contact scrimmages. No definite schedule has been released, nor is it probable that one will be forthcoming in the near future, but Lamar is preparing his proteges for any and all comers.
