Navy Sci men who go on active service on July 1 will get a foretaste of naval life in June by taking one of two two-week training periods which will include "many phases of naval activity" in the First Naval District, according to Commander Stanley L. Wilson, U.S.N., Ret., executive officer of the unit.
All members of the NROTC not planning to graduate and get their commission's this June will have an opportunity in class today and tomorrow to state their preference for the period they will serve. Under present plans, the first "cruise" will begin on June 1 or possibly a few days earlier, with second starting a fortnight later.
These training periods will give Navy Sci students the practical experience gained before the emergency on month-long cruises on the high seas. Two years ago this was shortened to three weeks on the Inshore Patrol, while last summer it was a week at an anti-aircraft training center.
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