


The Statistical School library in Mellon Dining Hall has recently been refurbished with easy chairs and divans, plus some very attractive drapes provided by the Business School, plus numerous tables and fine study lamps. From time to time additional articles attuned to library atmosphere will appear. A number of technical manuals, field manuals, and informational pamphlets and maps were recently placed therein for the guidance of the "Singing Statisticians."

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1st Sergeant Eskel D Carlson will leave this station on April 27 to become a "Mr." at the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Officer Candidate School, Camp Davis, North Carolina, where after seventeen weeks of intensive study he will, we all earnestly pray, emerge a 2nd Lieutenant.

Sergeant Carlson, who has served in several branches of the Army during his seven years of service, was assigned to the Statistical School from Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, last June as one of the original cadre of the School. The officers and enlisted men, the civilian instructor staff, and the secretaries of the Statistical School, all wish him the best of luck and "Good Shooting."

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The military staff of the Statistical School underwent a quarterly inspection last Friday morning on the occasion of Lieutenant Colonel L.M. Johnson's official visit from Headquarters, First District, Army Air Forces Technical Training Command, Greensboro, North Carolina. Statistical Headquarters came out on top and Colonel Johnson departed the same day after dictating a report of "no deficiencies noted."

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Note to Hopefuls: It is the practice at Statistical School to adjust the raining schedule so as to carry out the full amount of instruction hours and still provide the 4th Saturday afternoon for uniform shopping time in Boston. This means one or two night classes but does allow a daylight purchasing period.

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Plans for practical field problems in the Statistical officers' duties are in the hatching stage. We cannot promise air-raids or strafing conditions for you to work through, but it is hoped that something akin thereto can be worked out. Quick, Albert, fetch me my tin hat, our Student Status Report in tardy!
