Under the direction of Richard A. Waite, Jr. Graduate Secretary of Phillips Brooks House, the rapidly expanding Contact Committee has added another service to those previously announced. The new plan, now functioning smoothly, provides for the filling of all military and naval personnel in training in the University so as to bring graduates of the same institutions together while here.
As new classes and units arrive, their membership is analyzed according to the college listed as Alma Mater on special cards. Periodic checking makes it possible to issue lists of men who have attended the same college, no matter where they may be billeted here.
The great number of names in the files at the inauguration of this plan made it impossible to "Contact" those already here, but oldtimers desiring this information can obtain it at the Brooks House office on week-days from 9 to 5 o'clock, and on Saturdays from 9 to 12 o'clock.
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