

The "Fun and Frolic" party was just that last Saturday night. We've yet to see the "Last Will and Testament of Adolf Hitler" which was seemingly lost in the rush, but Major Fay says it will be forthcoming at some future date. By the way, that's a plug for another party; it has been suggested too, that it be given free with the profits from this one.

For those of you who weren't fortunate enough to attend--well, you really missed a wonderful time. The climax came when Professor Chaffee very solemnly, and with a great deal of ceremony, withdrew a slide rule from its case and proceeded to lead the orchestra--a very distinguished orchestra at that.

After the entertainment in Sanders Theater, we all went over to the Memorial Hall and were regaled with various assortments of food and drink. Professor Cooke was generous to lend the sound equipment which made the music very pleasant for dancing. All who attended had a marvelous time.

However, before the post mortoms are concluded, due credit should be given to Professor Morris, Ensign Healy, Lt. Andrew, Lt. Muchmore, and many others who also helped make the party the success it was.

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Dr. Cornett can be blamed for this one.

What are the necessary conditions for the osculation of romantically coupled circuits? Maximum reactance plus minimum resistance.

Oh well! At least he contributed something to the column.

Here's a reprint of the song sung at the party for those who missed it.


Professor Tatum with no fuss

Fills the board with formulas

Explains them all with perfect case

With "Obviously" and "If you please."

Professor Wing is always right

He lectures with the speed of light,

And if you ask him to go slow,

He covered that three weeks ago.

Cornett believes he's in the know

On all the dope on Radio.

In fact he knows most everything.

But did you know that he could sing?

Here's to good Professor Chaffee

Always gives the boys a laugh. He

Shows us a phenomenon,--

Forgets to turn the power on.

Professor Mimmo makes his home

Where no others dare to roam.

And we judge from what we hear,

He lives in the ionosphere.

Here's to Stuart Pullman Cooke.

We think that he should write a book

About the things electrons do,--

The title just "We'll chase it through."

The Colonel is a sly old fox.

He comes to class,--he never knocks.

And when in lecture halls he creeps

He interrupts our needed sleeps.

Mr. Randall gives commands,

Ensign Coffee claps his hands.

The man who runs the Navy still

Is undisputed,--Yeoman Brill. Ensign H.S. Bailey, Jr.

* * *

Lt. Cornish, one of the staff officers, just returned from Oklahoma with that proud father look. Congratulations; it's a boy!
