
Straight Dope

NSCS Midshipmen

Unless we're corrected again before thin goes to press, here's the "straight dope" on mid-semester grades. We had begun this column with "Correction, Please," but we took it back, because we were right the first time. Cumulative mid-semester grades will be made up and posted for all courses by April 10. These grades will serve to tell each midshipman what his academic performance has been to date. They will take into consideration the two hour quiz, all other written papers and reports, class recitations, plus the instructor's judgment of individual aptitude, which, in fact, are the basis of final grades as well.

By the same date we hope the faculty will have prepared a reasonable statement of policy with regard to final judgements to be made before June 1. so, for goo'ness sake, stop worring!

Pine Manor Dance

Oh, boy, another Giard Triumph on the way. This time it's an invite from the exclusive Pine Manor Girls' School in Wellesley. The date's Saturday, April 10, private bus service deerect. Eighty Midshinmen bachelors to be invited. this has no connection whatsoever with the letter Artise Mayer is working on in answer to Wellesley's "We love brass buttons" article in last week's Service News. We'll say no more, but we hope it works!

Welcome Home


Must have a "Welcome" Department this week, so here 'its., Welcome home, Roger Abousamra. It was a long stay in yon hospital and we all's glad to see yo back in there readin', writin', and fightin'. Ben Graves is back, too, after a tussle with "a foreign body, non-traumatic," which, translated, means the removal of a metal, shoulder plate inserted when he busted a bone some time ago.

Nor did Skipper Collius have fun last week, laid up with a case of Navy special "cat fever." But he's back at the wheel, so all's shipshape. Hope we can say the same for Seth Gray in a week or so. He's just about got that fever "with complications" beat, and we should be seeing him soon.

Burt Carlson, who claims to be "economic advisor" to the Lonely Hearts Club submits the following in fond memory of that girls we left back in Chicage:

Absence is to love

What wind is to fire.

It puts out the little.

It kindles the great. (sigh)

In preparation for bitter struggles to come between Companies I and II, a pickup team of Midshipmen beat the pants off an ROTC softball outfit last Saturday afternoon. Well the score was 2-1, anyhow.

Will Wash Windows

Here's flash direct from the powers that be." Chase Hall windows will positively he washed come Spring. It's part of the annual Harvard clean-up and is guaranteed to improve (?) Spring studying.
