
New Class Joins NTS; Receptions Are Held

The Communications School welcomed here yesterday for the five month training period the tenth class to center the School since its formation last year. The men have gone through the usual formalities involved in registering and will begin their classes next week.

A committee of the Navy Wives was on hand at the Union yesterday to receive the wives of the new officers and is try to help them solve the many problems associated with moving.

The-men will be officially greeted at the Union on Monday night at 7:30 by Cem. G. A. Macgowan, USN ret will preside at a reception in their honor. Refreshments will be served and the men are expected to become more acquainted with each other and the staff of the School.

War Bond Drive

An official drive will be launched through the Navy Department for the sale of War Bonds beginning next week. This program is being carried out by all laud based Naval stations and it is hoped that over 20 percent will be enlisted in a program of regular payroll allotment for the purchase of bonds.


Wives Donate Bend

The Navy Wives have arranged through the Welfare and Recreation Office to donate blood to the Boston Blood bank on Wednesday. Abbot 25 wives are expected to go down together to perform this service.
