
Hanley Welcomes 150 Stat Grads

One hundred and fifty Officer School Candidates were welcomed as Air Force officers in a speech by Brigadier General T.J. Hanley, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff, at the graduation exercises last Monday in Potter Auditorium.

Lieutenant Vincent Lauer was awarded the Commanding Officer's award, a gold set of insignia, and Lieutenant Irving Chvat was congratulated for being the highest ranking student in his class.

It was a fine early spring day as the 150 students marched into Potter Auditorium to receive their gold bars, officially designating them Second Lieutenants. Brigadier General T.J. Hanley, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff, who delivered the address welcoming them as fellow officers, is also an immediate assistant to General H. H. Arnold.

Lauer, author of the famous interpretation of "Minny the Mooch" in connection with the Military Law Course, won the Commanding Officer's award, a set of gold bars and Air Force insignia, for being the "best all-round man of Class 7-43." Chvat, who was congratulated on being the highest ranking officer in his class, has been assigned to the Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics.
