
Lowell, Leverett Win in Baseball

Kirkland, Leverett, Lowell, Eliot Take Softball Games

Southpaw Shelly Sachs twirled the first no-hit game of the season yesterday afternoon, as Lowell House chalked up a 3 to 2 victory over Dudley Hall. House baseball and softball league competition got under way this week and will continue until examination period.

The Bellboy victory came as a result of a three-run rally in the second frame. Two walks, a single by George Guild, Dave Kearney's double, and an infield out accounted for all the Lowell tallies. Although Sachs kept the Commuters from hitting safely, his generosity in doling out bases on balls and several passed balls allowed the Ramblers to tally their two runs.

Bunnies Win

Monday afternoon the Leverett House nine, profiting on four Winthrop errors, pounded out a 7 to 1 victory over the Puritans. Walt Herz pitched a three-hitter for the Bunnies, giving up his first bingle late in the fifth, inning. Danny Garelick, John Littlefield, and Bill Notz has two hits each for the winners.
