

Mowrer Places U. S. Behind In Vital "Ideological War"

Emphasizing the fact that the "Ideological war" is the battle that really needs winning, Edgar A. Mowrer, famed war correspondent and former assistant chief of the OWI, spoke at a meeting sponsored by the Harvard and Radcliffe Councils on Post-War Problems and the Harvard Liberal Union last Friday afternoon in the Kirkland House Senior Common Room.

Although we are fighting an "ideological war" to wipe out fascism Mowrer cited examples of our losing that battle by our openly admitting that Spain was getting more gas than the East Coast and promising Franco that he would remain unmolested at the peace settlements.

"Help your friends and hurt your enemies" was an old principle of the Illinois plains where Mowrer was born, and he said he saw no reason for not applying that tried-and-true doctrine to international relations.

Therefore the humanitarians who would make Germany their first concern after this war were urged by Mowrer to think of the mass persecutions suffered for years by the Jews of Europe and now joined by their fellow suffering Poles.

"We don't want appeasement" was Mowrer's batle-cry. "If we don't win the war now, we will never win it at all.
