
1945 Will Elect Class Officials; '46 Committee to Retain Places

Quick Action to Beat Depletion by Draft

In an unprecedented wartime move, the Student Council decided last night that officers for the Class of 1945 will be chosen within two weeks, a full year ahead of the traditional time. The step has been taken in an attempt to elect the men before the Class is completely decimated by service calls.

Usually chosen only in the second semester of the Junior year, class officers to be elected now will include three Marshals, a Treasurer, Orator, Odist, Poet, and Chorister. It was emphasized that all men in the class will be eligible for election, whether or not they are still in College.

Nominators Named

Returning to its policy of publishing the names of Nominating Committees, the Council announced that the following men from the Class of '45 will make up the committee to select nominees: Hugh Calkins, Michael J. De Leo, Joseph W. Drake, Jr., Daniel Garelick, Thomas R. Nunan, Jr., Donald W. Richards, Armand Schwab, Jr., Sidney O. Smith and Robert T. P. Storer, Jr. These men will be automatically nominated for some post.

A new method of selecting the Nominating Committee was used according to Council Secretary Brooks N. Heath '44, in order to settle the confusion attending recent similar nominations. Particularly sought after in the Committee were good representation in activity and House.


Under the new procedure a group of six men, three each from the class above and below the one to be nominated, in this case from '44 and '46, was picked from the Council membership. This group then selected the Nominating Committee with the advice of '45 members of the Council.

Only the individual officers named above will be elected this time. At a later date the Class Secretary and Permanent Class Committee will be chosen.

The Class Day Committee will not be chosen at this time since its specific duties will obviously not be called for for some time.

Nominations will be announced by the end of this week, and elections will follow after sufficient time has elapsed for addition of men to the ballot by petition of 25 classmates.
