

Medical School Mentioned For Inspection by Release

Raising to 11 the total of schools assigned by the Army and Navy to the University, four new military groups will be establed at Harvard provided that its facilities meet the impending inspections.

The Navy has named the College for pre-medical training, the Medical School for "possible" medical instruction, and has mentioned the Dental School for use for dental training.

For its part, the Army has announced that it will inspect the facilities of the Medical School with the view of establishing a school there. The release emphasized, however, that as has been the case with the schools whose establishment was announced earlier, approval has been given only for the services "to contract for the use of facilities," and will not be final until after inspection.

The new its adds 52 colleges and universities to the list of those selected, and was made up by a joint committee representing the Army, the Navy, and the War Manpower Commission.

In addition, it was learned over the weekend that Army schools, mostly in engineering, will be started this week at N. Y. U., Purdue, Minnesota, and M.I. T. This does not mean, however, that the general program will be started every-where any earlier than the May 1 date mentioned earlier.
