for Wallace as opposed to Mrs. Euce shows another example of more liberal feeling by the students.
General Rather Than Specific
Allport explained the opposition to a labor party by pointing out a trait of human nature: general aims are adopted sooner than specific aims. People want the ends but do not accept the means to those ends. He also said that he was much surprised at the stand taken on this issue.
The one issue on which the nation and the College agreed most closely was the treatment of the Germans after the war. The decision was that the leaders should be punished but the Germans people, themselves, should not be the object of harsh treatment on the part of the United Nations.
Although the decision in regard to Japan on these problems was approximately the same as on Germany there were same differences, more favoring punishment of Japanese leaders and that Japan should be "wiped off the map." The reeducation of Germany likewise was backed more heavily than the reeducation of Japan.
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