
Navy Letter Clarifies V-1, V-7; A-12, V-12 Exam System Given

Training Program to Start Around July 1

In its first official information to its reservists, the Naval Office of Procurement has sent out to all V-1 and V-7 members, a letter clarifying the official standing of the college men and expanding in more detail the Navy College Training Program.

The program will be inaugurated about July 1 when men from V-1 and V-7 will be called to active duty as Apprentice Seamen, provided they are able to meet the Navy requirements of curriculum which include compulsory physical drills, swimming and setting up exercises.

Request Must Be Made

Those men in V-7, who on July 1, will have completed all but one term or less of the requirements for a degree, may continue at their own requests to remain on inactive duty for the next term at the college in which they are presently enrolled.

Students who are able to carry elective courses and extra-curricular activities in addition to the assigned Navy work are allowed to do so, as long as such work does not interfere with the proper functioning of their duties. The Bureau of Naval Personnel will prescribe the curriculum necessary to product officer material for the various branches of the Naval Service.


Transcript of Grade Needed

Each apprentice seaman, Class V-1 or v-7, is required to have an official transcript of his college record through the last term to go, who do not express their desire to remain on active duty will not necessarily be assigned to the college they are now attending.

The New Navy College Training Program will provide the men with pay, subsistence and uniforms, and they will be under Navy discipline. Giving explicit tables, the letter discusses the special requirements for Chaplains. Medical and Dental men, and Engineers, V-1, V-7 students will be initially assigned to training on the basis of their present or indicated major field of concentration and the needs of the service.

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