
Eusden Regains Post As Swimming Captain

Wyman Trophy to Be Given At Banquet in Harvard Club

Elected to the position of captain of the swimming team for the second consecutive year, John D. Eusden '44 will lead the mermen in next year's mythical swimming season.

Winding up this season the swimmers will hold a banquet on Wednesday in the Harvard Club of Boston, at which the team's high scorer, will be awarded the Wyman Trophy.

Season Highlights

This season the swimmers' record was three wins and four losses in the Eastern Intercollegiate Swimming League. Harvard met very tough competition, particularly against Yale, whose sensational Alan Ford, having already broken tank records in the 100 yard, smashed the 50 yard record in the race here.

The Ulenmen took a drubbing at the intercollegiate meet also, with Rutgers and Princeton pulling down top honors, leaving the Crimson with one second, a third, and two fourths.
