Five cadets are soon to take their leave from the ranks of the QM unit for active service. Activated by reason of their non-contract status and membership in the Enlisted Reserve Corps, Milbank Pilsbury, Charles Ceresnak, Neil Ballard, Dave Green, and Joe Healey will bid farefell to the halls of Harvard on April 5.
To give the men a rousing sendoff the entire QM unit will meet in Chase Hall directly after the movie this coming Wednesday evening, March 31. The departing cadets will be called upon to give short talks.
Cadet Colonel George Cannon, Scabard & Key president, and Cadet Lieutenant Jim Noland are in charge of the affair.
Plans are also being formulated for a smoker to include the 90 non-Quarter-master Enlisted Reserve men who are being activated as well as those five QMC'ers named above. Chairman Huntley Gover has tentatively scheduled it for Friday night, April 2.
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