

Buck Advises Examinations For All Eligible Students

Following the announcement of the Army and Navy pre-induction exam for college students and secondary school seniors on April 2, Dean Buck has advised all potential Freshmen to take the examination in a letter to headmasters of schools sending students here.

The examination, open to all 17, 18, and 19 year old students, will be given at all high schools and colleges where there are applicants, and will be given under the direction of the College Entrance Examination Board.

Army Qualifications

The Army examination, which will be given at the same time and place as the Navy College Training Program examinations, is open to a wider range of applicants, according to Dean Buck's letter. In the case of the Army, no physical qualifications are necessary.

According to a War Department statement, success in the examination will not insure participation in the Army Specialized Training Program, or assignment to OCS, but it will be part of the man's record and will, in all events, be given some consideration in connection with other Army tests.


Dean Buck's letter emphasized the possible importance of the examinations to the individual student, and advised anyone planning to enter the College in July, if eligible for the examinations, to take either the Army or Navy exam.
