
Fernald, Fry Chosen As Chairmen in P.B.H.

Elect Malcolm, Glock, Peck, Caldwell, Edwards, Ogden

At a regular cabinet meeting of Phillips Brooks House last night Dana Fernald '46 of Adams House was elected co-Chairman of the Contact Committee and Kent C. Fry '46 of Lowell House was named Chairman of the War Volunteers section of the War Service Committee.

Appointed to positions on the Contact Committee along with Fernald were Thomas A. Caldwell '46, Charles H. Edwards '46, Earl Glock '46, and Robert Ogden '46. Cornelins Peck '46 and John A. Malcolm '46, were named to places on the War Service Committee, and the Social Service Committee, respectively.

The meeting also decided on a new policy for the Contact service, which has had an increasing number of service names and addresses come in. Hereafter, one issue of the CRIMSON, and the undergraduate column of the Alumni Bulletin, will be sent every two weeks, to all Harvard members of the Armed Services who send in their addresses.
