
Athletic Association Approves Spring Schedules in Crew, Lacrosse, Track

Intercollegiate Athletics Retained for Coming Season

Although the war has necessitated a curtailment in sports activities, the H. A. A. announced yesterday that it had approved spring schedules for crew, lacrosse, and track. There are no long trips included in these schedules, the longest being a crew journey to Philadelphia.

This follows the mid-February joint statement by Presidents Conant, of Harvard, Seymour, of Yale, and Dodds, of Princeton, forecasting drastic modifications in sports chedules this spring.

War Curtails Schedules

This so-called Three Presidents' agreement was prompted by the reduction of enrollment, the adoption of intensified and accelerated academic calendars, the extensive use of college facilities by the armed forces, and above all by the problem of transportation.

No definite statement about what sports were to be abandoned this spring was then made. Hope was expressed that all intercollegiate athletics would not have to be given up, but it was stated that their retention depended largely upon the plans of the armed services and the restrictions of the Office of Defense Transportation.


Jayvees Abandoned

Definite action was taken later when the Committee for the Regulation of Athletic Sports announced Harvard's abandonment of Junior Varsity teams and withdrawal from all intercollegiate athletic leagues. The approval of the three spring sports schedules shows that the College has not completely abandoned intercollegiate sports.

No baseball schedule has yet been released but there will be a team. Yale has announced that it will play practice games with the Dodgers and the Braves this spring. The three approved schedules:


April 24, Princeton and M. I. T.; May 1, Penn, Navy, and Columbia, at Philadelphia.


April 10, at M. I. T.; 14, Tufts; 17, M. I. T.; 19, at New Hampshire: 21, at Tufts; 24, Exeter; 28, at Andover; May 5, at Yale; 8, at Springfield.


April 17, Tufts: 24, Holy Cross and Northeastern; May 1, at Exeter; 8, at Andover; 14-15, I.C. 4A at New York.
