

Lack of Swimmers Causes Jayvee Meet Cancellation

Out for an Ivy League victory, the Crimson mermen traveled to Princeton Saturday only to be dunked by a hot Tiger team, 47 to 28. Captain Johnny Eusden and George Christman did their best to hold up the loser's end, each taking one first and one second place.

The Jayvee meet with Brookline, scheduled for Saturday, was postponed because the Crimson couldn't gather together enough swimmers to form a Jayvee squad. The manpower shortage has also taken quite a bite out of the Varsity, but has left them with at least enough men for regular competition.

The Princeton meet summary:

300 yard medley relay--Won by Princeton (Dick Sly, Harry Kallop, Al Craig). Time--3:09.0.

220 yard free style--Won by George Christman (H): second. Ed Jones (P); third, Bill Trubee (P). Time--2:18.1.


50 yard free style--Won by Tony Barnabe (P); second, John Eusden (H); third John Watkins (H). Time--0:24.3.

Dive--Won by Connick Doran (P); second Harvey Pastel (H); third, Bob Aaron (H). Winner's points--115.63.

100 yard free style--Won by Eusden (H); second, Barnabe (P); third, Craig (P). Time--0:53.6.

150 yard backstroke--Won by Tom Shand (P); second, Sly (P); third, Don Hartwell (H). Time--1:47.3.

200 yard breast stroke--Won by Norman Zheutlin (P); second, Bill Stadig (P); third, Aaron (H). Time--2:31.0.

440 yard free style--Won by Dave Barnes (H); second, Christman (H); third, Trubee (P). Time--5:05.7.

400 yard relay--Won by Princeton (Shand, Dick Holstein, Sid Howell, Barnabe). Time--3:44.4.
