
Mikkolamen Falter In Millrose Track Meet

Harvard's entries in the Millrose Games at Madison Square Garden last Saturday night didn't fare too well. The mile relay team, consisting of Arnold Edelman, Wes Flint, Jim Wheeler, and Bill Bingham had a bad first quarter, and placed fourth in a four-team race won by Notre Dame in 3:26.

Competing for Coach Jaakko Mikkola in the 40-yard hurdle event, Captain Don MacKinnon reached the semi-finals, but he met some of the best hurdlers in the nation in this round, and bowed out.

Bradford Perkins '46, of Lowell House, has won the Varsity track managerial competition and becomes assistant manager to be manager for 1943-44. Freshmen and Sophomores were lumped together in the competition, and Perkins is the first member of '46 to win a Varsity managerial competition.
