
Army Assigns Three Schools to University

Increased Cuts Last Term Brought Action

Dean A. Chester Hanford yesterday sounded a warning to men in the College in a two-page statement aimed at those who have been cutting classes excessively. No new rulings were made in the statement, but it was announced that instructors would henceforth regard more seriously any neglect of work exemplified by irregular attendance.

The reason for this tightening up on the part of the Administrative officials was given as an unwarranted increase in the amount of overall cutting registered up to mid-years. Said the statement in part: "A student who wastes his opportunities in college in these critical times when one's country is fighting for survival had better be in the armed services or in some essential war work where he can be of more help to his country and himself."

According to Dean Hanford's dictum, even men on the Dean's List have some limitations on such privileges, although they can presumably be trusted with greater responsibility in the matter of attendance as long as this does not interfere with the collective interests of the classes to which they belong.

Men who expect to be called away from College into the armed services on very short notice, will have to be especially careful in the matter of cuts, according to the announcement of the new policy, which warned men in such circumstances that, "those who wish to avail themselves of the privilege of final credit on the basis of cumulative grades . . . will find themselves severely handicapped if they have been careless about attendance."
