
If She Looks Like Freddy Bartholomew, Page M G M

Nobody knows just what the big shots at MGM were aiming at, but Harvard has got a request. A nice little girl, say twelve years old, slender and vivacious, would go down just right out in Hollywood. Something about a part in the forthcoming "National Velvet."

They had the movie, the right part, and all the rest of the cast. Finally it got so all they needed was a girl. So MGM started looking around Hollywood, but there just wasn't one young filly fit to play the part anywhere out there. Desperate, the press agents screamed for a feminine counterpart of Freddy Bartholomew at thirteen. Nothing doing.

If anyone's interested, pictures and data can be mailed to Jack Mehler, at 1549 Broadway, New York, the release said. And MGM is frustrated as all hell right now.
