
Perkins Clarifies E.R.C. Status of Science Men

Marines Will Train High School Youths

To clarify a somewhat hazy situation in regard to the approved engineering courses mentioned in the ERC announcement of last Monday, Elliott Perkins '23, director of the War Service Information Bureau, announced last night that a series of "interpretations" had been received from Washington.

Although engineering science, chemistry, physics (including astronomy), and math, and psychology have been clarified as in the approved engineering course group, biochemistry and architectural science still await "interpretation," according to Dr. Perkins.

Those affected by the interpretations are Sophomores and Juniors, and Seniors who are following the approved engineering courses. June Freshmen, now Sophomores or becoming Sophomores, probably will be included in this group, although the Army will have to decide in many cases what constitutes a Sophomore.

At the same time as the engineering course plans were released, a new Marine retraining program was announced by Dr. Perkins. Open to 17-year olds in the last year of high school, the men will enlist in the Marines, go to any college of their choice, and receive there from four to six terms. After this period they will be assigned to active duty and go into Officers Training School.

The deadline for enlistment in this program coincides with the March 15 date set by the Navy for their own enlistments in V-1, which now is accepting 17 year olds in College.



An announcement of extreme importance to all men connected with the Army meteorology program will be broadcast over WNAC tomorrow night at 8 o'clock, It was announced today. This applies both to men already accepted in the meteorology courses and to those who are going to apply.
