
NTS Basketball Team Will Go to Springfield Tomorrow

The Harvard Naval Training Station basketball team will try for its eleventh win of the season tomorrow night when it travels to Springfield to meet Springfield College on its own floor. After this game the team is scheduled to play Gordon College here on this coming Thursday night and Lynn Y. M. C. A. at Lynn next Saturday.

So far this season the team has been beaten in only four out of fourteen games, having lost to Brown University, Providence College, Tufts and North Eastern. The team, however, has come out victorious over such clubs as M. I. T. Naval Training Station, Harvard Medical School and Fitchbury.

The team is composed almost entirely of former college players now taking their Naval training here at Harvard. Jack Davis. Co.C. who once played for Dartmouth, Ed Donovan who played with Holy Cross, Cliff Hoffman who was with the basketball team from the University of Michigan, Sallie Nechtem who played with Boston U., Johnnie Pauler from Carrol College, Frank Smith from Penn State, Howie Vocke from St. Johns University, and Dick Yeager from Michigan Normal make up the entire team.

The team has already been entered in the National Pro-tournament to be held at Worcester, Mass, the nights of March third, fourth and fifth, and the quintet is expected to make a great showing in the matches.
