
E.R.C. Orders Here Friday

WSIB Gets Calls for Local Enlistees Only

Moving to end a period of watchful waiting by anxious ERC men in the College, the First Service Command announced yesterday that it hopes all orders will be sent out by the end of this week.

According to the announcement, the induction orders will arrive here in a single batch and will be sent to Elliott Perkins '23, War Service head, who will distribute then to the undergraduates here.

Included in the official statement was a clarification of the status of students living outside the New England area. Those enlistees who live outside the First Service Command area will not get their orders from Perkins, unless they have already specifically requested that they be sent to their Harvard address.

Orders for the Air Corps, it was also learned, are not being mailed in exact chronological order, but reservists should expect to receive their orders very shortly. No clarification of the status of the ground crew reservists, however, has as yet been received, and it appears that they will be left in College for an indefinite period, until there is room to train them.

In a clarification of the recent alter- ations in Selective Service procedure, Washington announced recently that men who enter the armed services through the draft will definitely have an opportunity to indicate their preference for the branch of the services that they wish to enter
