A post-war advertising research project to assist business in the use of radio advertising will soon get under way at the Harvard Business School, Dr. Melvin T. Copeland, Director of Research at the School, announced today.
This extensive survey of radio advertising will be conducted by Professor Charles H. Sandage, Visiting Professor of Business Research and head of the 1935 Burean of the Census' investigation of broadcasting.
To Study Radio
The project will study the experiences of local users of radio advertising in all sections of the country, and hopes to define the role that advertising will play in the marketing of peacetime products. It is further hoped that the results will furnish retailers, service operators, local manufacturers, radio stations and advertising agencies with information which will aid in the use of advertising.
An advisory committee of three Harvard professors will be composed of Neil H. Borden, professor of Advertising; Harry R. Tosdal, professor of Marketing; and Malcolm P. McNair, also professor of Marketing.
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