Taking up his turban in defiance, of the Boston "Herald" and cinema actor Sabu, Harish Mahindra '46, Weld Hall's representative from the Orient, yesterday showed that the Yard was the equal of Hollywood.
Rashly assuming that Sabu was the only one of his species in captivity this side of Mahatma Ghandi, the Herald correspondent had claimed that the Indian was the only person in Boston capable of mastering the intricacies of winding a turban, so that it stays on. Mahindra, however, took up the challenge, declared that Sabu was a fake, and gave a demonstration of his own technique since the actor had refused.
All his contortions, however, were not enough to convince the correspondent, who roundly denounced the turban as being too loose. Mahindra, his Indian pride affronted, could take small comfort in the fact that he had at least effectively disproved the hatter's fable that "no one wears a hat at Harvard."
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