
Class of 1946 Joined By 85 New Enrollees

New Freshmen Hurry Into College Tempo

Over the weekend the University officially brought through its gates the third installment of the Class of '46, welcoming 85 new men who registered in Boylston Hall Friday morning. The Committee on Admissions announced that ninety-one had been accepted into the Freshman Class.

The customary week of adjustment usually allowed to new men, including teas at P. B. H., were totally denied to this third segment of '46, who arrived on Thursday, registered on Friday, and are starting their academic programs today.

Reception for New Men

Though hard pressed by the Friday morning registration, and placement tests for French, Chemistry, and Physics, and the exemption tests for English A on Friday afternoon, the Freshmen managed to attend an informal reception in Kirkland House on Friday night.

Here again the number of pre-college lectures annually heaped upon incoming students over a whole week were consolidated into three informal talks. Dean Richard M. Gummere first told the Freshmen that they had not been accepted as Harvard men because the College was short of students, and welcomed them roundly.


Fox Speaks

The complicated task of explaining to the new men about the relation of the armed forces to the College fell to Colonel Philip Fox, Commanding Officer of the Army Signal Corps at the Electronic School. Dean Paul H. Buck then presented the alternative to the Freshmen of taking either regular liberal courses or those pertinent to the war effort.
