The HARVARD SERVICE NEWS will open up its building and beer closet on Plympton Street Wednesday at 7:30 o'clock to all University students who wish to try out for the mid-term competition.
At that time members of the News, Business, and Photographic boards will start the candidates out on a competition of a minimum of four weeks, but one that will let up in order not to interfere with exams. This competition offers to the new Freshmen who now have their feet on the ground an opportunity to participate in one of Harvard's more noted extra curricular activities. The unique feature of a SERVICE NEWS competition is that previous experience is not necessary since a college paper is not like the high school paper that one might have worked on.
Time Well Spent
A former editor of the SERVICE NEWS can always look back on the time he spent working on the paper as time as well spent as on anything else in College. The experience, sense of responsibility, and good times a SERVICE NEWS editor acquires is something you cannot get in any of the courses offered at College. Any extra-curricular activity and especially a journalistic one is to be considered as an integral part of college life.
Although a candidate can be elected to only one board, he can earn his election by specializing. The Newsmen will welcome the incipient snooper, give him a chance to interview chorus girls and deans, and work with type. The Business staff will supplement Ec A and won't be dull either. The Photographers can find their niche roaming the streets with a Speed-Graphic or puttering, in the dark room. And if you want to lambaste that movie or play you saw in a moment of weakness, the back page will be open for your efforts, and free passes, too.
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