V-12ers and NROTC men from Harvard and M. I. T. will compete in an informal swimming meet at Tech on January 8 at about 8 o'clock, it was announced yesterday.
Coach Hal Ulen's men, accustomed in former years to overwhelm M. I. T., are under severe handicaps this year, with but four of last year's men gone and the pool available for practice only 25 minutes a day. Tech, on the other hand, still has a goodly number of veterans and can practice two hours a day.
Meet Has Nine Events
Events at the meet will include a 300-yard medley, 220-yard medley, 50-yard medley, fancy dive, 100-yard swim, 150-yard backstroke. 200-yard breaststroke, 440-yard free style, and a 400-yard relay.
Veterans from last year on the team are Oliver P. Morton, free style swimmer; Harvey Pastel, diver; Perry Stearn, free-styler; and Gilbert King, Jr., breaststroker. In addition, 20 new men have turned out who will go to M. I. T.
The chances for a civilian or mixed team are very slim since the pool is in constant use by various classes of servicemen and undergraduates.
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