A certain eminent and well-known gentleman in our company is the only officer among as who arrived at Harvard with no previous naval experience or training. So some solicitous, salt-encrusted shipmates have prepared for him a glossary of nautical terms which they guarantee will make his first cruise a breeze, if not a gale. Naturally, much of this is classified material, but an abridged version is here set forth:
Binnacle list: extent the ship tilts due to the binnacles on its bottom.
Junk: Chinese ships of yore or Japanese fleet of the future.
Buoy: a member of the Navy who lied about his age when enlisting.
Mast: Sunday church services.
Collision mat: a pad the crew sleeps on after the ship has had an accident.
Bow: what the crew does when the admiral comes aboard.
Stern: expression on the face of the captain during action.
Ladder: any fool knows what a ladder is--no need to explain it to you.
Scuttlebutt: believe it or not, a drinking fountain (so the rumor goes).
Forecastle: the captain's palace.
Port: not like the sherry you get at McBride's.
Holy stone: archaic nautical oath.
Abaft: what you cling to after abandoning ship.
Boom: what the main battery goes.
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