The trouble here is that your enjoyment of a good picture might be spoiled by having seen the insane advertisements of it. For if you go to the Met to judge whether or not "Princess O'Rourke" should join Warner Bros.' Hall of Fame, you will certainly find it only half as good as it really is.
"Cinderella in reverse" is Miss De Haviland's own description of the plot. She plays the rich princess to Robert Cummings' poor boy, while Charles Coburn makes a gruff fairy godfather. The worst that can be said of them is that Olivia is merely silly in a few scenes and that Cummings sometimes sinks to slapstick, though even much of that is managed expertly enough to be funny.
It is only fair to remind PM readers that they have been forbidden to attend this picture, because it undemocratically fawns on royalty. As a mater of fact, there is some too naive wide-eyed astonishment stuff, but not enough to detract from the many laughs of the truly humorous parts.
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