

Course Objectives Explained As New Winter Term Starts

Colonel John K. Howard, commanding officer of all Army Training Schools at Harvard, and Paul H. Buck, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, addressed more than 1000 khaki-clad trainees at a meeting in Sanders Theatre last Monday night of the members of the ASTP schools north of the Charles.

Discussing the specialised training from the Army point of view, Colonal Howard defined the objectives of the various courses in relation to the actual studying being conducted.

Buck Welcomes New Men

After welcoming the new trainees at Harvard among the group, Dean Buck went on to consider the training from the University's standpoint. He also likened this period of the war with the year 1865 in the Civil War, specifying the time after the Battle of Gettyaburg. Relating the two periods, Dean Buck said, "Just as in 1863, the hardest fighting is still ahead."

The occasion of the meeting and the addresses was the beginning of the Army's winter term, which started Monday for AST units all over the country
