Plans now under way for the pre-Tufts game rally to be held at 9 o'clock Friday night, probably in the traditional locations by the Varsity Club, call for several new aspects, and several which recall seasons of earlier years.
First such affair since the recent modification of coastal dim-out regulations, it may be illuminated by torches in the best customary fashion. In contrast to previous rallies, however, will be the fact that many of the parading musicians may be in Navy uniform, since the V-12 band is now the only organization geared to accompany enthusiasts.
Tufts to March Over
Challenging the spirit of Crimson rooters, the members of the Tufts V-12 Unit, having also held a pre-game session on Friday night, will march over from their college grounds on Saturday afternoon so as to attend the Soldiers Field contest in a body.
Then, forgetting rivalry for just 20 minutes, the Tufts and Harvard V-12 Units will parade together in a review to begin at 2:10 o'clock, before game time.
The rally procession, as in previous years, will wend its way among the Houses, gathering partisans along its route. V-12 men need not fear missing the rally because of Naval Organization, as it will not begin until they are available.
The Student Council is sponsoring the rally with Bill Dunn taking charge. Another gathering to instill spirt will be held before the Boston College game.
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