Completing the process more rapidly because of experience gained in the spring transitory period, the University has registered new students of service and civilian groups to bring the over-all number close to 8000, an average maintained in peacetime years.
A drop of 109 civilian undergraduates brings the enrollment in that category down to a low 893, with the 453 Freshmen forming the largest single class.
Included in the thousand-strong graduate and special division are the 11 newspapermen who have been given leaves of absence from papers and news services across the country in order to take up studies here as Nieman Fellows.
Making up a part of the total 3600 Navy attendance are approximately 100 new members of the V-12 Unit who are undergoing the shift from sports jackets to bell bottoms in much the same manner as did the main part of the Unit in the first weeks of July.
With the first year ASTR students added to older advanced-study units, the Army now sends more than 2000 men to College classes, coming second only to the Navy in classified enrollment.
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