

Company C

Attended by loyal friends, Marjorie Burt and Bob Yingst of the eighth platoon were married Octobar 15. This was the first of a rash which has broken out in our company. The following week Betty McNaron wed elderly Ensign Kessler, whom everyone had believed to be a confirmed bachelor.

Then came the marriages of Elvera Kniese and Howard Knight; also Jean Kelly and Clay Bader, who had imported her for that purpose. Knight suffered the catastrophe of spending his meagre honeymoon leave in sickbay, by himself.

A week later Laura Sudimack and Tom Ridge were married, and, in Memorial Chapel, Vivian Counts and Ensign Tom Asbury went through a similar ceremony.

Lt. Dick Brotemarkle made a sortie and returned, all too soon, from his view point, with the ex Sammy Goodall in tow. Knowing the angles in more ways than one, he had a house to move into.

Peterson, Too


Last Saturday, demonstrating a magnetic power his friends never knew he had, Jock Peterson lured a beautiful creature all the way from California, and to Cambridge at that. Jean Allen and said Ensign were wed in the Chapel next door to the place he spends his weeks. He realized what he had gotten into on Monday afternoon when, on coming out of the basement of the President's house, he was cautioned to "Stop waving those bills around that way."

A highly festive reception took place at the house occupied jointly by themselves and the Brotemarkles. Jim Hillshafer is reported to have required and enjoyed limited services from a nurse.

Marrlage Endorsed

Four of these men, when asked for their opinions on the institution they had entered recently, gave it their hearty endorsement. Knight disagreed with the widely held belief that it is a revolting tribal custom. He said it deserved nothing but praise, had made him a better man.

Kessler claimed to be enjoying life much more. Bader went so far as to say his happiness cure was still rising, the peak not yet in sight. Ridge stated that it would be asking too much to expect any improvement in himself, but he did give it his unqualified approval.

The most persistent, subtle and confiding questions failed to extract from these men the least hint that that present life was in any way other that an immense improvement over the past. They referred to their newly acquired squaws with the utmost reverence. Scowed are they already.

Galety Attends Smoker

We had a smoker the other evening. Although a model of decorum and good clean fun, there was an atmosphere of festive gaiety enjoyed by all in attendance. The company's talent been to be uncovered. Much more is expected for our next, now that the ice is broke (Ogden Nash's advice on ice breaking "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker.")

Milton Saul the Moss Hart among many wrote and acted in the seventh platoon skit which had them in the aisles. He was given the highest tribute when on of his gags (the overcoat one) was widely quoted.

Plans are now being made for a pro Thanksgiving smoker which is expected to hit a new high in hilarious entertainment and fraternal revelry. Promota Giftos is arranging boxing and wrestling bouts between company members. All the usual music, beer, peanuts and "dramatics."
