

Last Saturday, one of our more prominent Ensigns and one of our loveliest WAVES, after a four week whirlwind, high frequency courtship, completed a coupled circuit in a little church on Staten Island, New York.

Up to this particular hook-up, the record for the Navy side of the Radar school had been eight weeks. Apparently, the accelerated courses given here at Cruft laboratory seem to have had more than just a scholastic effect upon the student today.

Some precocious Ensign with a sense of humor, perhaps the result of crossed circuit of a misplaced since wave, recently referred to your correspondent as "Mr. Lonely Hearts" This, I presume, was one to my persistent efforts in trying to all some of the more worthwhile invitations which have been gracing the Bulletin Board in numerous quantities of late. To the aforementioned quipster, I respond with the following:

There comes a time in an Ensign's life. When he would be done with slide-rule strife;

When he'd put away gladly his books ad papers.


and seek invitations to dances and capers. At such times as these, you can bet Beacon Hill.

He'll he happy to see Yeoman "Lonely Hearts" Brill.

And While I'm on the subject of "social events." I should like to offer some poetic advice to officers accepting the hospitalities afforded them:

be bright, be cheerful and remember to smile.

And if it's no deal, why just hang round awhile.

Be courteous, amiable, charming and all--And suffer dear guests as ye dance round the hall.

Be eloquent, loquacious, say nice things--but hold.

Don't e'er mention Radar or so I've been told.

For on Monday as same as a bumming bird sings.

You can bet your detector the Navy phone rings.

"I'm locking for 'X' comes a vice sweat and cheery.

And then 'tis the Yeoman who must say, "Not here dearie!"

So remembers these words-let them be to the wise.

And don't e'er mention Radar, no matter how blue the eyes."
