"There is just as much of an economic victory that has to be won during and after this war as there is a military victory." With these words Lt. Commander M. E. Paradise, USNR, Officer-in-Charge on NTS (Communications), launched a five-day War Bond drive among officers at the school which will begin on Monday and is to last for the week.
Commander Paradise, speaking at an organization meeting of student and staff officers, warned of the "hot level of currency" in the war and post-war years that might reduce the value of investments and lead to inflation, in urging support of the campaign.
Drive Outlined
The meeting was addressed also by Lt. (j.g.) K. L. Brooks, SC, assistant War Bond officer of the First Naval District, who outlined the mechanics of the drive. Its purpose is to obtain the largest possible number of allotments of income for bond purchases form men studying communications.
Lt. (j.g.) C. J. O'Neill, Welfare and Recreation officer, is the War Bond officer for the school. He is being assisted by staff members acting as personnel company officer, including: Co. A. Lt. (j.g.) Charles Whitham; Co. C, Lt. (j.g.) Burt Hagg; C. D, Lt. (j.g.) A. X. O'Connor; and Co. E. Lt. (j.g.) H. M. Hansen. Lt. O'Neill serves in this capacity for Co. B.
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