

94 Others Receive Degrees In Different Departments

Harvard University conferred 240 degrees by vote of the Harvard Corporation yesterday. The recipients completed their work for the degrees at the conclusion of the summer term just ended in October. Because of the relative smallness of the class and the war conditions, the graduation ceremonies are being held this fall. In sharp contrast to previous classes, figures show that only 146 graduated from the College this term.

The degrees conferred at this time were 77 Bachelors of Arts, of which 24 were with honors; 69 Bachelors of Science, of which 13 were with honors; 21 Masters of Arts; four Masters of Arts in teaching; 26 Doctors of Philosophy; one Master of Science; 20 Masters of Education; three Doctors of Education; one Master of Public Administration; two Bachelors of Architecture; one Master of Architecture; two Bachelors of Landscape Architecture; one Doctor of Medicine; nine Bachelors of Laws; one Master of Laws; one Bachelor of Divinity; and one Adjunct in Arts.
