

Standard Officer is 5 Feet 4 Inches, Weighs 124 ponds

"Bless 'em all. Bless 'em all, the long and the short and the tall." That's about the way the Naval Officer Procurement thinks of its WAVES even though they did just take a poll of 100 New England female officers to find out what they were getting.

The answer to how big is a WAVE, according to the survey, is 5 feet, 4 inches in height, 124 pounds in weight, the gal is also 28 years old, has brown hair, graduated from college and has business or teaching experience. Now all you have to do is go out and find her.

Of course you'd better watch out because they're not all like that, and that 5 foot, 4 inch brunette with the business experience may be a woman Marine, or a WAC. For the WAVE, although not Butcher, Baker, or Candlestick maker, could, right here in New England, be a cartographer, archaeologist, serologist, or a statistical epidemiologist. That might be dangerous.

On this statistical study, the Causeway Street office found 88 per cent of the lady officers were brunette, leaving eight little blondes, three red-heads, and only one black-head in the lot. Although they can be as tall as 6 feet and as short as 5 feet to get in, most were under 5 feet, 6 inches, and above 5 feet, 1 inch.

According to the release, "great variance was indicated in avoirdupois, there being no preponderance of any one bracket." For the records, 60 per cent are between 105 and 127 pounds in "avoirdupois."


Then there are eyes, which are mostly an ordinary brown or blue. Sixteen claimed hazel, and 11 said their eyes were a fiery, mysterious green, while three favored languid, limpid grey. Age was probably the most scattered statistic. Although girls today can enlist from 49 down to 20, this batch was 20 to 40 and had birth certificates to prove it. Most were between 24 and 29.
