

As an additional news service for service personnel stationed at Harvard, selected items of a general military nature will be presented in this column weekly. All interpretations will be drawn from accurate sources, and the Editors will appreciate any topics brought to their attention.


In order to prevent the large monthly loss of allotments to service men's dependents, the U. S. Secret Service has civilized several precautionary measures to be observed by persons receiving these checks.

Since most of the losses are through small-box thefts, the plan calls for special attention to the method of delivery as well as to the manner in which the check a handled and cashed.

It is suggested that: (1) someone be at home when the delivery is expected. (2) the mail-carrier make a signal when he leaves the check. (3) the letter be removed from the box immediately. (4) the postmaster be informed of any temporary or permanent change of address.


Since all merchants have been cautioned about cashing these allotment checks the bureau advises that checks be cashed at the same place each month, thus establishing the identity of the lawful holder.

It is also most important that the heavy card type be kept flat and free from holes, tears, and creases in order to prevent errors in the mechanical accounting of cancelled checks.


According to a recent announcement by Secretary of War Stimson, no officers will be appointed from civilian life, with the exception of doctors, dentists, chaplains, and service pilots.
