
New Catalog Out Saturday

With the Columbus Day holiday breaking into the short time remaining before Winter term study cards are due, College officials yesterday stressed the importance of immediate course-planning, although the new catalogs will not be issued from the University Hall until 9 o'clock tomorrow.

All study plans must be signed by advisers or tutors and returned before the 5 o'clock deadline next Wednesday, with the exception of a group of approximately the exception of a group of approximately 250 V-men studying prescribed curricula. Because of the need for group organization, a 24 hour extension is allowed on these cards, which are due Thursday.

Reflecting the increased importance of mathematical ground-work, an effort has been made to enable students to fit the elementary classes in with other more limited work in concentration. Math Aa, 2a and 5b are added although previously enlisted, and new sections are provided is Math Ab and 2b. For more thorough preparation in certain fields, Dr. Kaplansky offers Math 6a, "Introduction to Higher Algebra" and the probability studies of Math 9b are shifted to winter.

The addition of History 64a, dealing with the U. S. diplomatic history through the 19th century, will open new work to men in liberal areas, as will Yale Professor Calhoun's "Introduction to Religious Philosophy" listed as Phil. 2e.
