One hundred Navy officers and their wives joined to celebrate an "open house" held in the Harvard Union on the evening of Wednesday, October 13.
A Hallowe'en motif was used for decorating the building and the wives and husbands provided entertainment for the affair. Mrs. Charles Van Voorhis sang several numbers to the accompaniment of planist Ens. Hubert Donaldson; a 12-year-old girl, Elaine Burke, performed tap and acrobatic dancing numbers; and a musical trio was accompanied by 1/c Yeoman Howard Locke. It included Mrs. Ben Hardy, Mrs. Earl Canfield and Mrs. Lee Mills. Ens. Jack Reichart was master of ceremonies.
The affair was under the auspices of the Navy Wives Club with Mrs. Robert W. Leavenworth as chairman. Other committee members included: Mrs. William R. Yates, Mrs. H. L. Constant, Mrs. Harry Smith, Mrs. Lewis Levy, Mrs. R. H. Lewitt and Mrs. J. H. Reichart.
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